Saturday, November 15, 2008

Obama's Civilian National Security Force

Ive been doing a little reading into some of the things Obama has been talking about. Have you herd of his Civilian National Security Force ? Its basically like the peace core and shit. But Obama wants to make volunteering mandatory. So everyone between ages 18-25 would have to take like a 3 month course and shit and be involved and serve time. he said he wants this to be as big as the current US military. Like are you kidding me what the fuck? Dude this shit is straight Marxism bullshit. Not to mention it is basically a backdoor for the draft. It would require them to serve the government in its different branches. Shit is fucked up. I will leave you an except and some links. There is a clip of him on you tube talking about it.

"He said he would make federal assistance conditional on school districts establishing service programs and set the goal of 50 hours of service a year for middle and high school students.

For college students, Obama would set the goal at 100 hours of service a year and create a $4,000 annual tax credit for college students that would be tied to that level of service."

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