Monday, December 8, 2008

The Left Complain and Stocks Rise.

I consider myself to be moderate as I am sure how most of America feels. And alot of the time I feel like we are forced into choosing extreme sides when our own views might not necessarily be that extreme. So it seems like alot of the time our country is split into a war bickering with itself. The point I am getting to is that recent the Extreme Liberal left has been complaining saying they have been felt left out of Obamas cabinet appointments and such. To me it seems like these people love to complain. And now that they don't have a republican to complain about they complain Obama being more moderate. Well what the fuck. Even if he is to moderate for your tastes he is defiantly going to be better than George W. IN the end you cant make all the people happy all of the time so make the right people happy some of the time and you are good.

Stocks have been on the rise and recently hit a new high from the slump they have been. Alot of people credit this on Obamas economic appointments and with her planned stimulus package that will create alot of jobs. Stocks are rising and lets see if we can people borrowing and loaning money again and we might be good. Lets hope things continue to look good.

1 comment:

Mr. Natural said...

"I consider myself to be moderate as I am sure how most of America feels"

Isn't it funny how some of us think everyone ELSE is like us? Must be nice...